Easy & Eggy Korean Breakfast Bowl

Today we’re making another very simple and easy Korean dish: the Eggy Breakfast Bowl! It was one of my favorite childhood meals and Mommy Oh grew up eating it as well. You only need four ingredients and it’s budget-friendly. No matter how lazy you are, this is something you can make at home :)

Scroll down for the recipe or watch the cooking video below. There are two parts: Part I is the original recipe and Part II is the vegan recipe.


  • bowl of steamed white rice (short grain)

  • 1 egg

  • soy sauce (to taste)

  • sesame oil (to taste)

Serves 1 person. However if you use more rice, you might want to add in another egg to feel the runny yolk.

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About the rice

There are different ways to prepare rice. You can make yours with a rice cooker, pot, or microwave instant rice. Texture will vary upon method and amount of water you use.

In the cooking video, Mommy Oh preps the rice in a pressure cooker. She uses 1 cup rice and 1 cup water. This will make about 4 servings of rice for us.

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Step 1

Cook your egg on low heat. We want to fry only the egg whites, but keep the yolk liquidy.

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Flip to fry the other side of egg whites.

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Step 2

Place egg on your bowl of rice.

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Runny yolks are delicate and might pop while flipping or transporting. No worries! As long as the yolk stays a liquid, it will be easy to mix into the rice.

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Step 3

Add in soy sauce and sesame oil to taste. Mix thoroughly. I recommend adding soy sauce a little bit at first, then taste if it’s to your liking. If you pour in too much on the first try, it might be very salty.

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Yum time!

You can eat your bowl as is or enjoy with side dishes. As a kid, I loved wrapping the eggy rice with seaweed sheets :)


Hope you enjoy this easy and eggy dish! For the vegan version of this Korean Breakfast Bowl (with runny “egg” yolks), check out the recipe here.